Thirty years ago and every year since, we have been bombarded by the scariest stories told to children to make them behave themselves or force them to go in a particular direction. The stories, of course, in all cultures are just that…stories told to children. The current story, however, has gripped the minds of […]
Tag: Greta
Climate Change Doomsday Religion: Just Another Cult
When you look at all of the apocalyptic warnings, and the need to buy carbon indulgences so you can propitiate the climate gods and their acolytes it is quite evident that another religion is rising from the amazingly fertile plains of ignorance and emotion. Saint Greta The Green arises from her teenage years as all […]
Living In Reality
The prospect of a 100% renewable energy future is 100% pure, unadulterated myth. Placard waving teens fretting about the weather in 30 years’ time might demand it, but logic, physics, meteorology and economics will forever conspire against an all wind and sun powered future. And the idea that a transition to wind and solar is […]