A special President’s day program for the Black to Nature Book Club members.
The World Is Waking Up to Energy Reality
Africa, China, India, Norway, Japan and Russia know what the future holds. It is not a future that can grow on the promises of a new, green, clean, bright future […]
Birds of Prey Ski Championships
We are back with live raptors at the Birds of Prey ski championships held at Beaver Creek, Colorado. Come see our raptors at Beaver Creek Village, and our new female bald eagle will be up at the VIP Red tail Camp stadium.
Energy Schizophrenia
Looking around the American landscape for any sense of normal behavior is a fatuous exercise at best. You can be certain, however, that the once great experiment in self-governance has […]
The Perfect Correlation
Understanding that correlation is not causation is, perhaps, one of the most important lessons anyone can learn when observing the world around them. The increase in ice cream consumption is […]
When The Wind Stops Blowing
The house of cards built on sunshine and breezes reveals its foundations are built on sand. This is the reality that the “green revolution” will not acknowledge publicly, although many […]
Its Is The Sun
Its always been the sun! A new report by a diverse group of international scientists bring back the logic of common sense. From one of the scientists, Richard C. Willson, […]
Climate Tipping Point?
Have climate scientists finally reached the reality tipping point? “Last week, a group of scientists sent shock waves through the climate-science community. They boldly pointed out that current climate models […]
Consorting With The Energy Producers
Just a few weeks ago we had the good fortune to present one of our programs before the Western Energy Alliance up at the Devil’s Thumb Mountain resort in Colorado. […]
Global Cooling? Anyone Want To Bet?
A number of elite solar researchers who watch the sun’s activities both past and present are reporting that the solar cycles point to low sun activity which implies the earth […]