The myopic view of climate will have you believe that weather and climate started with the advent of the industrial revolution, roughly around the 1850’s. Geologists have been some of the first scientists to understand the facts of climate because they have been looking at the evidence trapped in ice cores, sedimentary deposits, and geologic features of the world’s land and seascapes. In that library of evidence going back hundreds of millions of years, no evidence exists that carbon dioxide causes global warming. In fact, global warming, going through natural cycles revealed to geologists precedes the release of carbon dioxide. The lag period is roughly 600-800 years. Using that vast library of evidence reveals that our current climate is actually experiencing one of the colder periods in earth’s history. Read this report from the world’s most comprehensive site on climate. Credit for the illustration above also goes to Our assertion remains the same: there is no climate crisis, there is a cognitive crisis that is getting worse by the day.