When I hear the slogan “climate change”, the next question that pops into my head is “when has it NOT changed?” Simple answer on that one although the Soviet propaganda virus has instilled itself into a world-wide body of acolytes who are illiterate and innumerate when it comes to understanding the basic issues of climate. In one of the early IPCC reports, one of the scientific sections stated in no uncertain terms that climate systems, being chaotic and non-linear cannot be predicted because of the massive number of variables in the system. Everything after that simple direct statement is propaganda on a Soviet scale. However, even a poor student of history must admit that the Soviet system existed for 75 years because a gullible populous of millions believed the Soviet lies until it all simply fell apart. Now the same cohort wanted everyone to believe that the current president was the sharpest tack in the drawer until that fable became so obvious that they had to swap that fairytale out for the next embodiment of an even greater lie. Now a cackling, incompetent has been anointed as the next genius to solve all our problems. The Soviets may have invented propaganda, but the Americans have elevated it to an art. As far as the current administration’s perspective, this editorial says it all.