Since the great leap forward to provide free, clean, and plentiful electrons using sunshine and breezes a few researchers (engineering types) have been analyzing the real costs involved. In this […]
Carbon Dioxide Cognitive Crisis Continues
From the recent ARC conference in the UK to various postings around the internet, the trace gas that makes all plant based life possible (carbon dioxide) is still imputed to […]
Norway Goes Nuclear on Climate Change Consensus
Norway’s official gov’t bureau of statistics: ‘The effect of man-made CO2 emissions does not appear to be strong enough to cause systematic changes in the temperature fluctuations during the last […]
Raptor ID Class: The Who’s Who of Colorado Raptors
The best raptor ID class in the Rocky Mountains is back to help improve your knowledge of raptors and identifying them in the field. Colorado Parks & Wildlife (CPW) Senior Volunteer Raptor Monitor Karen Metz and REF President, Anne Price are teaming up once again in a brand-new class The Who’s Who of Colorado Raptors.
The Cognitive Crisis Affects Everything
John Baker retired Assistant Chief of California Fish and Wildlife talks frankly about a multitude of issues affecting the environment and the political hypocrisy the climate change activists overlook as […]
Become an Energy Expert in Less Than Thirty Minutes
Alex Epstein, energy commentator and philosopher takes on all who will debate him about Net Zero and demolishes their thinking. This video demonstrates why. This question remains to all who […]
A Dozen Projects to Improve the World
Listen to Bjorn Lomborg and Jordan Peterson as they look at a dozen projects that can improve the world’s most dire challenges facing humanity. This video runs close to three […]
Raptor Day At Denver Botanic Gardens
Join us for the raptor experience of a lifetime at the Denver Botanic Gardens! We’ll have live raptors in Mitchell Hall, readings of the Fidget books by the author herself in the Helen Fowler library, and a brand new 15-minute film featuring wild raptors from around Colorado and beyond in the Freyer-Newman Center auditorium.
Programs will run in 90-minute intervals with showings at 10:00, 11:30 and 1:00. Tickets include all day entry to the Gardens and exclusive visits with the raptors and Raptor Education Foundation presenters and staff.
Nyet Net Zero: The Energy Transition Delusion
Take 46 minutes out of your busy day to profit from Mark Mills’ brilliant talk about the reality of what is actually entailed in chasing net zero. In short, the […]
Erasing History Isn’t Science, It Is Propaganda!
“You won’t find much in the IPCC AR6 report on the atmospheric CO2 concentration evolution during the Holocene. They talk a lot about how CO2 concentration compares to global temperature during the years since […]