In pursuit of climate purity, German politicians have pursued another “final solution’ in their zeal and horrific inclination to achieve their national delusion of free, clean, natural energy. With some […]
The World’s Crash Test Dummy For Renewable Energy Schemes
If anyone wants to learn about what it means to bankrupt a state or a political economy chasing free, clean, green, energy promises, then look no further than South Australia. […]
Germany’s Energy Disaster
Despite Germany’s well-known reputation as engineers that can solve any problem put before them, their legendary abilities cannot overcome the delusions that have been driving their politics. Those delusions have […]
Minnesota Learns The Cost of Wind
How many eagles is subsidized energy worth? If eagles and other wildlife being slaughtered by wind farms are worth less than the industrial blight being erected whenever federal subsidy farmers […]
Comparative Electricity Prices Reveal Reality of Renewables
Australia is serving as the crash test dummy for renewable (free, green, carbon-free, etc. ) schemes. This story will quickly reveal the reality of what these schemes are doing to […]
Reality Reminder
How sustainable is the green, clean, renewable alternative energy theology? It is time to remind everyone that the dream of the ecotopians is a nightmare for wildlife, for natural resources, […]
Heretics of the World Unite!
One of the world’s leading scientists writes about the process that involves thinking away from the consensus, or out of the box. This is the process by which science advances. […]
The Planet is Getting Greener
Much to the chagrin of the alleged “Greenies” the planet is getting greener. Although posted a few years ago, this video needs to be available everywhere for everyone to watch, […]
Climate Change Prediction Failures: The Short List
Billions and billions of dollars have been spent in pursuit of fixing the alleged disasters that human caused carbon dioxide increases were going to create. All of these billions were […]
World’s Largest Ponzi Scheme
Australia Waking Up Move over, Ponzi; forget Bernie Madoff; ignore Enron; and dismiss collateralised debt obligations associated with subprime mortgages. Without a doubt, the biggest scam perpetrated against taxpayers and […]