Many once reputable magazine’s and their supporting organization’s have been spouting the climate change party line in any way they can. They just want to advance their agenda, which is […]
Germany Begins To Reap Rewards
The irony of Germans being so accomplished with their engineering history achieving a remarkable level of excellence, yet at the same time, they are also responsible for some of the […]
The War On Science
This video pretty well sums up the popular consensus and illustrates how wrong it is!
Australians Waking Up To Alternative Energy Dangers
While it is an obvious observation that we would oppose wind farming because of the slaughter of birds and chiropterans, the greater issue involves the devastating ecological and economic consequences […]
Heat Hysteria Heats Up
A variety of politically motivated organizations are all over the media with climate change hysterics. So, for the sake of sanity let’s take a look at the long term averages […]
What Happened to Summer Ice Free Arctic Predictions?
Remember all the brilliant predictions by the prophets of global warming? One of the most puffed, pushed, and pontificated was that the arctic would be ice free in the summer […]
The Father of Global Warming Knew Better
“The notion that renewable energies and batteries alone will provide all needed energy is fantastical. It is also a grotesque idea, because of the staggering environmental pollution from mining and […]
The Green Paradox
Sunshine and breezes provide “free” energy as the mantra goes. However, when you look at the cost of all that free energy, it begs the question why does the cost […]
The Famine Cycle
The history of human development is the history of energy development. To think that sunshine and breezes can be converted to reliable energy streams for maintaining civilization in the 21st […]
Greatest World Wide Temperature Drop In 100 Years
This type of story gets hidden as deeply as possible. You have to hunt sites that are not part of the Scientology scheme of global warming/ climate change, AGW, etc. […]