Membership Form

Yes, I am interested in supporting the Raptor Education Foundation.

Make a Donation to benefit REF via your Credit or Debit card just by clicking on the Donation button below.

Thank you for your support!

You may also sign up and pay online  for  our
Membership  or  our Adoption  programs

Scroll down for our printed membership form.

Ways to help:  Volunteer, Gifts, or make a donation by clicking on the Donation button below.

Thank you for your support!

I have enclosed  $_________ For support of REF’s Eagle Defense Network:
You may Fax Credit Card contributions to 720-685-9988

I have enclosed  $_________ For membership in REF.     

Name_________________________________________Credit Card Type:________________________________

Expiration Date___________             Credit Card#__________________________________________________

Security Code: ________  3 or 4 digit # on back of card. Billing Zip Code if different from Address:  ______________






Affiliate’s name if applicable ______________________________________________________________

_____ Please check if you are renewing a current or expired membership
_____ Please check if you are interested in receiving information about our volunteer program.

Membership Premiums vary according to Membership Level. The Colorado Respects Wildlife license plate is included as a premium at qualified* Levels.

If you want to receive REF’s Colorado Respects Wildlife license plates with your membership,
you must submit one of the special membership forms
Make checks  payable to: Raptor Education Foundation

_____ Student Member: Annual Dues: $20.00 (Must be under 18 years of age)
_____ Nest Members: (Family) ADD $50.00 Annual Dues to any of the following memberships:
_____ Buteo: Annual Dues: $30 to $99
_____ Accipiter: Annual Dues: $100 to $2,499.99
_____ Falcon: Five Year Renewal: $2,500 to $4,999
_____ Eagle: $5,000 and up (Lifetime Membership) The Fellowship of Eagles


The Owl Fellowship-exclusive membership for those who love our nocturnal raptors.

*Member must have a vehicle registered in Colorado, and must have joined at the minimum level
Great Raptor Gifts

Tax deductible: All donations and dues to the Foundation are deductible under IRS 501 (c) 3 regulations.

Raptor Education Foundation is a Certified Mile Hi United Way Affiliated Agency.
Mile High United Way (REF) Designation Code: 0294

Please make checks payable to Raptor Education Foundation
P.O. Box 200400  Denver, Colorado 80220  (303) 680-8500