
Russian Falconry 
Book Survey

Promoting Environmental Literacy 
Since 1980

Thank you for participating in our web survey. All information from respondents to this survey will be kept in strict confidence.  Names, contact numbers, and addresses will not be shared with anyone not directly participating in the development of this book, and only for the sake of quantifying data.  Participants completing this survey will be acknowledged in the finished product. Pre-publication subscribers will be featured on a special page.

Raptor Education Foundation (REF) provided interpreting services for Mr. Noskov when he visited the NAFA meet in Dodge City.  He has asked REF to help with developing and translating his book into English to reach a much wider audience.  Because of his Siberian residence, communication’s with the author are difficult,  therefore we have developed this web survey to reach as wide an audience as quickly as possible, to determine the feasibility of  publishing  a book on Russian falconry. Data compiled will be provided to the author and the Russian publisher to determine the scope of the translated work.

We request that each of you forward the e-mail message you received with links to this page to anyone you think would be interested in seeing this book published for English speaking audiences.

Please review some of the remarkable images featured in  Yuri’s book. REF’s concept would focus on translating the pertinent sections of the book which deal with Yuri’s  successes with extreme falconry using golden eagles, and other raptors. This would include, his training regimens, husbandry techniques and tools, and profile other falconers pursuing  extreme falconry in places like Kazakhstan and the other ex-Soviet Republics where these traditions are still actively practiced.  As you will see from some of the images, this book has the potential to reveal a great deal of previously obscured history  from one of the wildest places in the world, with raptors whose very nature implies extreme techniques. 
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Yuri’s Noskov’s new book, 
With Hunting Birds Across 
the World
  delineates his life 
and falconry adventures. Images provided come directly from his book and are used as part of this survey.  
All rights are retained by 
the author.

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Yuri has extensive experience
hunting with the beautiful
white Siberian Goshawks.

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Extreme falconry,
Siberian style…

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This exclusive look at 
extreme falconry in Russia
will finally provide
windows into
a hidden world.

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Your completion of this
survey will permit Yuri
to determine the viability
of completing an English
language version of his book.


For Multiple Simultaneous Selections, (questions 6 & 9) hold down your CTRL key 
and click on all applicable responses.
**  indicates information required in field.

1) For an excellent quality, coffee-table book would you pay:**$50-$65$65-$80$80-$100

2) Would you be interested in a Special Edition, signed by the author for $100?**YesNo

3) Would you be interested in a Special Collectors Edition, signed by the author with an exclusive illustration by the artist, Vadim Gorbatov for $150? ** YesNo

4) Would you like to see a majority of the material in the book focus on hunting with** EaglesFalconsButeosAccipitersEqually coveredDoesn’t matter

5) Would you like the book to be very technical?** YesNoNot Important

6) Would you like the book to cover the following aspects of falconry in Russia and the other eastern independent republics?CulturalHistoricArtisticAll of the above**

7) Would you donate to project development for U.S. expenses to a non-profit organization if you could visit the author during the development process? ** YesNo If yes, how much could you donate?

8) Would you put a deposit down to order the book?**YesNo How Much?** 30%50%75% Other

9) What type of raptor(s) do you hunt with now?** EagleFalconButeoAccipiter

10) How long have you been a falconer?**

11) Are you an apprentice falconer?**YesNo

12) During the season, how many days do you hunt?**

13) What Country do you hunt in?**

14) What State or Province?**   Name

15) Will you send this survey to your falconry friends? **YesNo  
                                                                  16)  Your E-mail Address**

What would you like to see emphasized in the book? -include other comments as well- 50 words or less please.

**  indicates information required-if you cannot Submit-you have missed a required field.

Thank you for helping with this international effort dedicated to advancing environmental literacy 

Copyright Raptor Education Foundation.
All Pages, All rights reserved.

Raptor Education Foundation is a Registered Trademark.
Last revised April 05, 2009