Volunteer Form

 Volunteer Application Form

* Refunds: REF’s policy does not permit refunds for those individuals accepted into the Docent Training Course or the Accelerated Mentoring Program and then unable to complete the course, nor are membership refunds given to individuals who are not selected after the interview. No exceptions.

Yes, place me on the scheduling list for the Docent Training Course.  I have read and understand all of the requirements and policies on the prior page, and this page.  I am a current member at the Buteo level or higher.  

If we do not have this form in our office with your signature, you are not in our queue and you will not be contacted for the initial interview.

Name__________________________________ Date__________

Phone#_______________________________  Address_______________________________________________________

City__________________________________ Zip Code__________________


Special Mentoring: Write Yes (_________________) if you think you qualify for our special mentoring option.  Please include your CV (resume) with this form if you feel you qualify for our accelerated mentoring program. Please include all relevant and specific details of previous experience. The more you tell us about yourself the easier it is to determine if you might qualify for our mentoring program.

If you have worked at any other raptor facility, or still are working at one, please list the name(s) and provide the name of your direct supervisor. Include all contact information.





Raptor Education Foundation reserves the right to change its requirements for its
Docent Training Course/Mentoring course without notice.