
Use this to submit membership and payment in the mail, or by Fax.   (FAQ’s)

COLORADO’S ONLY LICENSE PLATES WHICH BENEFIT WILDLIFE AND ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION. Yes, I want to support wildlife in Colorado and the Raptor Education Foundation’s environmental education mission. Enclosed is my application. The information submitted must match what appears on your vehicles registration document.

1st Name ____________________________________________________________

2nd Name____________________________________________________________Include Leasing Company or Bank.

No P.O. Box Addresses allowed-use Mailing Address below if different than your actual address.

Address __________________________________________________________


Amt. Enclosed ($24.95 (minimum) per plate set-one year membership)    $_______________ Or donate a higher amount to upgrade your membership privileges.
($15 per Military/Police Special) $_______________ Must submit Gov. ID to qualify for this special price.
You may pay by check, credit card, or money order. Save time by Paying Online or phone.
You must still fill out and send or Fax  in this form in unless paying Online.

Mailing Address________________________________________________________


DO NOT SEND CASH      Check Payments Require 15 Days to Process   

Please charge my credit card:
Acct#________________________________________Exp.Date_______Security Code:___________

Billing Zip Code for your credit card:_______
When REF processes your Application Form  REF will send you an official REF Authorization Voucher which You present to your local county license plate office for exclusive issue of this specialty plate.  All regular vehicle license fees, taxes, etc., are your responsibility. DMV charges a one-time processing fee ($50) for initial issuance to each vehicle. Your donation to REF is tax deductible to the extent allowable by law as a contribution to a 501 C-3 non-profit education organization. The actual plate issued may have slight variations from design shown due to  plate printing capabilities and the color on your computer’s monitor.

SEND TO: REF WILDLIFE PLATE,  P.O.BOX   200400, Denver, Colorado, 80220
Or Fax to
( credit card payments only)- 720-685-9988  Questions? Call 303-680-8500
E-Mail: raptor2@usaref.org