
The Fellowship 

Celebrate some of the most beautiful raptors in the world by supporting the training, feeding, and care of the Raptor Education Foundation’s Owl  Collection.  Join the Owl Fellowship and your contributions will help REF’s owls continue their important mission of promoting environmental literacy.  There are three Owl Fellowships you may support,  and you will be invited to special and often secret events open only to Owl Fellows.

The Tyto Fellowship:

This $50 annual membership  provides support for REF’s Barn   Owl   (Tyto alba), and gets you our new book on raptors featuring our Barred Owl on the cover.  You also receive  your membership card, and options to become one of REF’s Docents, or trained volunteers.

The Strix Fellowship: This $75 annual membership provides support for REF’s  Barred Owl  (Strix  varia).  You also receive an autographed copy of our new book with our Barred Owl on the cover.  You get our  limited Strix Poster, your membership card, and options to qualify as one of REF’s  Docents. The Greater Owl Fellowship: 

 This $100 annual membership provides support for all of REF’s  owls.  You also receive our new book, and Colorado residents will receive a special Voucher that permits them to have Colorado’s only wildlife license plate.  This license plate is only available to select REF members, and features the Bald Eagle.  The plate’s  slogan,  Colorado Respects Wildlife,  gets our message on your car and into the community,  and helps keep our environmental literacy programs growing.  Non-residents receive a beautiful  picture of an owl from our collection.  All memberships are tax-deductible.  Please submit one of our special Driving For Wildlife license plate forms after you pay for your Greater Owl membership- do not submit a second payment when prompted.

Notice: REF reserves the right to change membership premiums without notice.

Printed Form

Whoo Are You?______________________________________________  Phone#________________

Address____________________________________________City ____________Zip ________

E-mail __________________________  Amount Included $ ___________  Do not send cash.  
Check or

Credit Card:  MC or Visa #_________________________________________  Exp Date _________

Authorized signature________________________________________ Date ___________

Send to: REF, PO Box 200400, Denver, Colorado 80220
phone #303-680-8500, Fax # 720-685-9988 –www.usaref.org

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Last revised April 22, 2014